Post Office building and cash withdrawal point

Post Office building and cash withdrawal point | Municipality of Lurate Caccivio (CO) | 2010




project data

date: 2010
client: Municipality of Lurate Caccivio (CO)
object:  Post office building and cash withdrawal point in Lurate Caccicio (CO)
location: Lurate Caccivio (CO)
size data:
Surface area 2.100 sq. m.;
Covered surface 400 sq. m.;
Storey n° 1

Preliminary, definitive, executive project and supervision

The size of the new rectangular building is of 25.5 m, its depth is of 15.5 m and its intrados height is of 3.72 m.
The supporting structure of the building is realized in reinforced concrete, and its plate and roof determine precisely its position and strongly connote its architectural character. On the roof shed elements oriented to the North are present, for collecting the sunlight without the negative effects of the infrared radiation; the roof is covered with a kind of a grass mantle which has the function of a climate regulator and of mainaining a certain water regime.
On the west and south side of the building the slab and the roof protrude by 3 m from the edge of the facade thus establishing the relationship between the outside and the inside.
The fronts of the building are made of opaque parts with ventilated facade in asbestos cement panels and with mirror glasses on those sides where entrances are located, the latter representing two revolving doors in stratified coloured glass.
Various solutions enabling eco-sostainibility have been adopted in the building project: due to the architectural conformation and to the materials used the minimization of energy waste is possible as well as maximum exploitation of natural resources; the climatization system is fed by three geothermal probes and collecting of rainwater is foreseen. The building belongs to the class A category.