Struttura leggera multifunzionale – Palamontepaschi

Struttura leggera multifunzionale – Palamontepaschi | Chianciano Terme | 2007




Project data

date: 2006 – 2007
customer: Canobbio s.p.a.
object:  Struttura leggera multifunzionale
location: Chianciano Terme
size data:
Intervention area: 1,840 sq.m.
Multifunctional room: 1,300 sq.m.;
Stage: 110 sq.m.;
Technical rooms: 104 sq.m.;
Seats: No. 1600

project stage: Preliminary, definitive, executive project

The realization of the new structure is aimed at creating a multifunctional and permanent space, fulfilling evolved accommodation needs, to be used both in the more crowded summer season and in intermediate seasons, in which weather conditions require a protected structure.

The structure will be suitable to welcome cultural events and shows of different nature such as concerts, enactment of theatre plays, conferences, sports events, which will have the need of very modest layout adjustments – being the structure almost free from internal restrictions – with a view to revitalization of the attractions offered by the thermal complex.

The intervention philosophy is the minimal invasiveness, dictated by the special balances of the site.

The project choice to use technologies and extremely light materials reflects itself favourably both on the structural solutions adopted for foundational “surface” works and on the architectural image. This almost immaterial image allows a nearly spontaneous approach to the large existing conifers integrating by analogy with a large natural fruit or butterfly cocoon.