Super Housing + Sport Eco Park

Super Housing + Sport Eco Park | Brescia | 2009


project data

date: 2009
client: Gruppo Faustini S.p.a. – Brescia
object:  Super housing + Sport eco park – Recovery of the old Faustini caves and transformation into sports and residential complex – Brescia
location: Brescia
size data:
Stadium seats n° 25,000;
Sports hall seats n° 5,000;
Olympic swimming pool seats n° 2,000;
Commercial area gross floor surface 10,000 sq.m.;
Residential gross floor surface 76,830 sq.m.;
Hotel and spa gross floor surface 18,000 sq.m.

services: Preliminary project

The Concept foresees the functional conversion of two areas, once gravel extraction sites, which are now perfectly integrated in the urban texture of the city of Brescia. The required functional mix represents the synthesis of urban and entrepreneural necessities, both public and private, and is based on the necessity to recreate a Genius in the area well-served by various infrastructures and situated on the outskirts of the primary road system. The idea is to create a large city park offering a possibility for sport activities, where the Eco culture can be internalized and grasped with the help of social strategies, energetic solutions and the reshaping of the landscape, where all the natural elements, such as the sun, the wind, the water and the nature itself are involved and integrated to create and exemplary urban model.
The park will give an opportunity to practise sports both on the ground and on water embracing crosswise atletic and professionl necessities together with those recreational ones of common visitors and schools, guaranteed by the 25.000 seat Stadium, the 5.000 seat Sports palace, gyms, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, tennis and football grounds.

It’s an “island” which overlooks the water mirrors equipped for sports and entertainment. This “island” is provided with aeolic generators fed from a photovoltaic hill for windsport activities, like wind surf, kite, mountain bike routs, botanical gardens, thematic islands reachable on photovoltaic crafts.
The kinematics connected to the weekly use of the activities is supported by large parking areas and the appropriate road system which permits to absorb streams of traffic with rush-hours on week-ends.

The functinal mix is completed by the activities permitting the vitality of the eco-park every day all the year round: in fact, bars, restaurants, thematic shops, a shopping centre, exposition halls, and meeting areas are foreseen.
The mix is completed with residential areas of various types, from mono residential ones to aggregate units reaching the water and creating a characteristic image and a sense of its uniqueness.