Sondrio Hospital

Sondrio Hospital | Sondrio, Italy | 2002


Project data

Date: 2002
Client: Lombardy Region Administration; Local Health Company Sondrio Province
Object:  New hospital structure in Sondrio
Location: Sondrio, Italy
Size data:
Surface of the area: 60,500 sq. m;
Total surface: 66,898 sq. m.;
Volumetry: 266,760 c. m.;
Beds: No. 460;

Project Stage: Project management; Feasibility project.

The drawing up of the feasibility project started tracing some guidelines affecting the organization, distribution and technological model. Please note among the guiding principles:

Contextualization: opening towards the urban context with a high permeability of the structure, which is oriented towards the valley, besides the insertion of activities that are unusual in hospital building; “open hospital” integrated in the social cultural tissue of the town. Humanization: hospital as a place of diagnosis and treatment but also as a welcoming place, a place where attention is paid to the patient, an aim that can be reached also increasing the environmental comfort and the
use of “friendly” materials and colours. Organization: the organization of the hospital structure develops around a central axis, the ”hospital street”, which represents the heart of the entire complex and is constituted by a triple-height open volume, a covered square which is overlooked
by the first-welcome structures, the individuation of the paths and separation of flows, a correct dimensioning of hospital spaces and accessory services. Flexibility: the possibility of adjusting and
implementing the activities at limited costs and discomfort guided the drawing up of the feasibility project, influencing the structural pattern and the typological and formal choices.