Sensory Spa

Sensory Spa | Chianciano Terme | 2006




project data

data: 2005-2006
customer: Terme di Chianciano S.p.A.
object:  sory Spa. Garboli Hall Renovation – Chianciano Terme
location: Chianciano Terme, Italia
size data:
Flooring surface 1,400 m²;
Water volume 70 m³;
Sensory activities No. 30;
Temperatures 10-110 °C;
Sound pressure 5-60 dB;

activity: Preliminary project – Definite project – Working plan and coordination

The functional-renovation intervention of the Garboli Hall fits into a wider intervention plan involving the whole area of the Terme di Chianciano, Parco Fucoli, Sorgente Sillene and Stabilimento Acqua Santa.

The project is structured through a “spiral” path that develops itself along the three levels of the building, in which the five elements (water, fire, earth, air, ether) are to be found. The purpose is the realization of a building in which it is possible to balance the energies of one’s own body through the Sensory Path that the different environments put on the stage, each one with an own peculiarity.

Il project concept, worked out in cooperation with a team of experts made available by the customer, originates from the Ayurvedic medicine that has an holistic vision of the man, i.e. sees the human being as made up by mind, body and spirit and whose psycho-physical well-being is given by the energy-field balance of such elements. As a consequence, illness is nothing more than an unsolved energy unbalance.

The paths in the “SENSORY SPA” project are composed basing on a rebalancing action of the human energy field through the harmony of the 5 elements. The paths start from the most material part until the slightest one is reached through the sequence: WATER, FIRE, EARTH, AIR, ETHER.


Progetto e coordinamento: paolo bodega architetto
Design team: Paolo Bodega, Luca Castelli, Chiara Airoldi, Eros Colzani, Massimo Negri, Cristian Rossi, Takamasa Sugiura
Concept:  TERME DI CHIANCIANO, Lucia Cosonesi, Bruno Sordi
Design Service: Lab. 01 s.r.l.
Progettazione strutture e direzione lavori: Arch. Giampiero Barbetti
Coordinatore della sicurezza: Geom. Emilio Gori
Progettazione impianti meccanici e idrosanitari: Studio tecnico Delazer
Progettazione impianti elettrici: Studio Beolchi
Progettazione impianti speciali: Hofer Group s.a.s.
Progettazione illuminotecnica: Arch. Gianni Ronchetti
Progettazione acustica: Bio byte – Dott. Enrico Moretti
Immagine coordinata: Total Tool s.r.l.
Opere civili e strutturali: Impresa Donato Agostini & C
Impianti meccanici, idrotermosamitari e speciali: Hofer Group s.a.s.
Impianti elettrici: Epiu Consortile s.r.l.
Illuminazione speciale a led: Evolight
Gestione e regolazione impianti: Siemens, Sistema Desigo
Arredi speciali: Iteco contract s.r.l., Vallesi arredamenti casa & contract s.r.l
Arredi: Moroso, Unopiù, Zanotta
Opere in pietra: Cave di Rapolano – Querciolaie Rinascente SC.a.r.l.
Rivestimenti ceramici e mosaici: Iris ceramiche, Bisazza
Tessuti: Kvadrat
Referenze fotografiche: Carlo Carfagni, Foto Pangea