National Heritage Museum

National Heritage Museum | Tripoli | 2008




project data

date: 2008
cient: Comitato Organization for Development of Administrative Centres ODAC
object:  National heritage museum
location: Tripoli, Libia
size data:
Interaction area: 13.628 mq;
Building surface: 13.300 mq;

service: Preliminary, definitive and executive project
work amount: € 36.000.000
partners: Favaro & Milan ingegneria

The new HEART OF LIBYA Museum will be placed in Tripoli re-using the existing abandoned old tobacco factory.
The new museum of Libya will have a remarkable value both from its physical characteristics, thanks its vast dimensions and central positioning into the urban landscape of Tripoli, and from its concept, the representation and conservation of the history and culture of the nation.
The design of this new museum has given a lot of importance to the choices made on materials, colors, m.e.p. systems, in order to assure top of the art indoor comfort.
Is possible to see the caracteristics in the specific list.
Soil is the life support for all human beings and its resources influence social, cultural and economic development of an entire community, marking it the folks soul.

The new HEART OF LIBYA Museum is the adhesive between the different functions and is represented, by its secrets gardens, to be discovered along the sensorial paths between the deep and surprising prospective views.
Different materials represent the natural elements that paint the colors of Libya, played in a modern key: dry and sandy soil, that models the desert landscapes; flowing waters trough its geometric paths, providing the soundtrack and the freshness of a modern oasis; vegetation with its intense colors and scents and finally air that generate an ever changing sound and view.
The shadows produced by the shading roof represent the concept of welcome offered by the deserts nomad tends. It is a fundamental element that sign with subtly and precision the re-use of the building. This contemporary awning brings visitors to the discovery of the various rooms of the museum offering protection from the direct sun rays.
The light metal structure is delicately leaned on top of the existing buildings and support special glass panels treated with photocromatic technology that make this glass react to the sky’s changes of color, like an artificial cloud.
Periscope is the symbol that unify both the principle of modernity and tradition.
Stele-Column-Minaret-Obelisk-Periscope is a 40 meter tall antenna, a symbol and signal that communicate to the whole town the activities that take place inside the museum, to be seen as the heart of the community.
At the top of the Obelisk there will be placed mirrors and video cameras that will take pictures of Tripoli from far above.

This building has been designed sensibly thinking about its territorial and geographic environment. The proposed restoration and reuse program provide quality control systems for its internal conditions as well as sustainability in relation with its impact on the environment willing to acquire the best compatibility with Economy, resources and environmental preservation aspects.
This choice has an ambivalent value; reduction of energy & resource consumption and improvement of the wellness of the visitors. Choices that apply to architectonic aspects and to component and finishing of the m.e.p. systems
The spaces cooling will be assure thanks to the use of Heat pumps water/water that use see water as a thermal exchange fluid, gaining an high saving of primary energy. Solar radiation will be controlled and reduced with the installation of adjustable “brise soleil” (solar shading elements) that, together with a sensible and correct choice of materials, vegetation and thanks the use in the courtyard of water and fountains will make possible to create controlled micro-climate and albedo reduction.